NASCIO Releases 2020 Federal Advocacy Priorities: Continues Call for Harmonized Cyber Regulations

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 22, 2020 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NACSIO) released its 2020 federal advocacy priorities. As state CIOs are asked to take on an increasing role to protect state and local governments from a constant barrage of cybersecurity threats, NASCIO’s advocacy priorities reflect the importance of collaboration between states and the federal government to ensure cyber resiliency. The priorities are:

  • Harmonize Disparate Federal Cybersecurity Regulations and Streamline the Audit Process
  • Ensure Dedicated Cybersecurity Funding for State and Local Governments with CIOs as Key Decisionmakers
  • Advocate for Widespread Adoption of DotGov Domain
  • Recognize State Authority and Ongoing Innovation with Emerging Technology

Fact sheets regarding the above priorities can be found at .

“NASCIO’s primary advocacy efforts focus on building awareness of state IT issues and advancing the role of the state CIO, and these advocacy priorities will help us do just that,” said Eric Boyette, NASCIO President and Secretary and Chief Information Officer for the State of North Carolina. “NASCIO looks forward to working with our federal partners to expand visibility on these and other important issues.”

The association’s federal advocacy priorities are selected by NASCIO’s executive committee and reflect policy priorities as indicated by association members in the State CIO Top Ten ). NASCIO aims to add to policy discussions taking place within the federal government sphere as they relate to the business of state government IT.


Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

Accenture and NASCIO Release Report on Innovation and the Role of CIOs

Report cites innovation as critical priority; top barriers include lack of funding, workforce skills and time

LEXINGTON, Ky.; Jan. 16, 2020 – A new report from Accenture and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) focuses on the perspectives of state chief information officers (CIO) regarding innovation and highlights approaches and success factors that can advance innovative practices in state government. The report includes examples of leading practices of state CIO innovation governance structures, ecosystems, budgeting for innovation and recommendations to help state CIOs develop operating models and initiatives that can drive innovation in state government.

The new findings reveal most state CIOs see innovation as a major part of their job – 83% said innovation is an important or very important part of their day-to-day leadership responsibilities – while only 14% reported extensive innovation initiatives within their organizations. Previously, NASCIO had highlighted innovation as a top ten current issue facing state CIOs.

“The pace of technological change keeps accelerating, bringing new challenges and opening opportunities, and state CIOs have an important, central role to play in fostering innovation to help government deliver better services and value to citizens,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO’s executive director. “State government operating models should evolve to better enable, emphasize and capture the benefits of innovation, and this research points the way forward.”

The survey of state CIOs focused on identifying current practices and their views regarding obstacles to innovation. Most notably:

  • Lack of funding is seen as the top barrier: 63% cited as top barrier, followed by workforce skills
  • Executive support for innovation is perceived as low: 26% said their state administrative leadership has made innovation a stated priority, and 6% said their state legislature has done so
  • Governance structures to oversee innovation are becoming more common: 49% have one and 31% are developing one
  • Collaboration in innovation ecosystems is mainly internally focused: Input from employees is the top source of innovative ideas, cited by 63%, while less than half point to external collaborations and only 14% point to input from citizens
  • Workforce skills are a pervasive challenge: 85% cited struggles finding the right skills for innovation, and 46% identified lack of skills as the top barrier for innovation

“State CIOs have many opportunities to foster innovation in their agencies and the departments they support,” said Rick Webb, Accenture managing director. “Effective innovation depends on consistent, strong leadership support, collaborative systems and a conducive organizational culture, and state CIOs are key across all these dimensions.”

The report is available on as well as on

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

Stronger Together: NGA, NASCIO Release Guidance for State and Local Cyber Collaboration

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, January 15—The National Governors Association (NGA) and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today released Stronger Together: State and Local Cybersecurity Collaboration. With a dramatic uptick in ransomware attacks across the country, governors, state chief information officers (CIOs) and state government executives are designing and implementing programs to strengthen local partnerships in cybersecurity. The publication outlines promising programs that states have initiated to enhance collaboration with their local government counterparts for cyber resilience. It also provides high-level recommendations for state officials looking to strengthen partnerships with local government officials on cybersecurity.

“Governors and states are at the forefront of cybersecurity, which is a collective responsibility and one of their most important priorities when it comes to protecting people and systems,” said Jeff McLeod, director of NGA’s Homeland Security & Public Safety team. “We know that effective strategies to prevent and recover from cyberattacks involve all levels of government, including local partners, as well as partners in the private sector.”

“More and more states are adopting a whole-of-state approach,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO Executive Director.  “State CIOs know that cybersecurity is a team sport and local governments are important to everyone’s shared success.”

The publication can be found on NGA’s website,, and NASCIO’s website,

Washington, Utah CIOs Join NASCIO Leadership

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, December 17—The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today announced that Washington Chief Information Officer Jim Weaver and Utah Chief Information Officer Michael Hussey have joined its Executive Committee. Weaver and Hussey were appointed by NASCIO President Eric Boyette, CIO and Secretary of the State of North Carolina, to fill vacancies.

Jim Weaver was appointed Director and State CIO for Washington Technology Solutions in December 2018. Jim has over 32 years of experience in the IT industry, most recently serving as the Chief Technology Officer for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Jim is also an active member of the armed forces serving in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard.

Michael Hussey was appointed CIO of Utah in 2015 after serving the state in other capacities since 1995. In 2013 Hussey received the Governor’s Award for Excellence for Outstanding Public Service after being nominated by then Lt. Governor Greg Bell. Hussey attended Brigham Young University and the University of Utah.

Information on NASCIO’s Executive Committee can be found on NASCIO’s website,


Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

State CIO Priorities for 2020: Cybersecurity Stays at the Top; Innovation Debuts

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, December 11—The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today released the State CIO Top 10 for 2020. The Top 10 represents state technology leaders’ top policy and technology priorities for the coming year and reflect voting by 50 state CIOs. Cybersecurity remains the top priority for the seventh year running while innovation and transformation through technology is on the list for the first time. Customer relationship management moved up to number 5 (from number 7 in 2019) and legacy modernization made the list for the first time since 2017.
“It is not surprising that cybersecurity remains number one nor that cloud, optimization and digital government round out the top spots,” said Eric Boyette, NASCIO President and Secretary and Chief Information Officer for the State of North Carolina. “State CIOs are constantly trying to protect their states while at the same time enable delivery of critical services for the citizens they serve.”
NASCIO utilizes the annual voting of priorities to develop strategic areas of focus for the coming year, formulate new committees and working groups and plan NASCIO conference sessions and publications.
The Top 10 can be found on NASCIO’s website,
Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Releases State CIO Priorities for 2020: Cybersecurity Stays at the Top; Innovation Debuts

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, December 11—The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today released the State CIO Top 10 for 2020. The Top 10 represents state technology leaders’ top policy and technology priorities for the coming year and reflect voting by 50 state CIOs. Cybersecurity remains the top priority for the seventh year running while innovation and transformation through technology is on the list for the first time. Customer relationship management moved up to number 5 (from number 7 in 2019) and legacy modernization made the list for the first time since 2017.

“It is not surprising that cybersecurity remains number one nor that cloud, optimization and digital government round out the top spots,” said Eric Boyette, NASCIO President and Secretary and Chief Information Officer for the State of North Carolina. “State CIOs are constantly trying to protect their states while at the same time enable delivery of critical services for the citizens they serve.”

NASCIO utilizes the annual voting of priorities to develop strategic areas of focus for the coming year, formulate new committees and working groups and plan NASCIO conference sessions and publications.

The Top 10 can be found on NASCIO’s website,

NASCIO Endorses DOTGOV Act of 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C., Monday, November 2, 2019 —The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today endorsed S. 2749, the DOTGOV Act of 2019. Introduced by U.S. Senators Gary Peters (D-MI), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and James Lankford (R-OK), the legislation takes serious steps to expand the adoption of the .gov domain in order to improve the cybersecurity of local  government websites. 

Specifically, the bipartisan bill would require the Department of Homeland Security to develop an outreach strategy to inform and support the migration to the .gov domain of local governments, as well as provide technical information on how to migrate online services to .gov. Additionally, the DOTGOV Act of 2019 authorizes the use of Homeland Security Grant funds as an allowable expense for the adoption of the .gov domain and further stipulates that the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency may waive any fees associated with migration to .gov.

NASCIO President and North Carolina Secretary and State CIO Eric Boyette lauded the introduction of S. 2749 saying, “as local governments continue to be targets of a constant barrage of sophisticated cybersecurity and spoofing attacks, the .gov domain sends a message to the user that the domain is legitimate and secure. NASCIO has long advocated for the adoption of .gov domains and we greatly appreciate this legislative effort to provide assistance to vulnerable and under-resourced local governments.” 

The DOTGOV Act of 2019 was introduced in the United States Senate on October 30 and referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. More information on S. 2749 can be found HERE.

NASCIO Members and Conference Attendees Give Back to Nashville, Host City of the 2019 Annual Conference

LEXINGTON, Ky., October 29, 2019 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) provided a $9,374 donation to the Apprenti TN education and apprenticeship program. The program, a part of the Nashville Technology Council, has a mission of bridging the gap for segments of the population who have the aptitude to learn a technical skill but have not had the opportunity. Donations were collected during the NASCIO Annual Conference in Nashville through the Give Back program to thank the host community. NASCIO state, corporate and nonprofit members donated through individual contributions and NASCIO provided a matching donation.

Apprenti Tennessee, the first technology-focused apprenticeship program in Tennessee, is unlike internships or traditional job training options. Apprenti Tennessee combines paid on-the-job training and education with placement in highly skilled, salary-competitive occupations. The program works with the tech industry to identify mid-tier jobs ready to be filled by highly competent people regardless of educational background. Apprenti Tennessee actively recruits women, minorities, and veterans to aid in diversifying the tech industry, but everyone is eligible and encouraged to apply.

“The NTC Foundation is grateful for our Apprenti TN program to be the NASCIO 2019 Give Back recipient,” said Sandi Hoff, NTC Foundation Executive Director. “These donations will allow Apprenti TN to further identify the underemployed in our region who have the aptitude to learn a tech skill and provide them the opportunity to learn those skills and move into higher paying tech jobs.

To learn more about Apprenti Tennessee, visit

NASCIO Honors Three Public Servants with State Technology Innovator Award

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) presented the State Technology Innovator Award to three deserving public servants during the 2019 NASCIO Annual Conference in Nashville. The NASCIO State Technology Innovator Award honors outstanding state government employees who have made contributions to advance state technology policy through the promotion of best practices, adoption of new technologies and advancements in service delivery. Nominations were gathered from NASCIO members as well as non-members and selected by the NASCIO Executive Committee.

The following are the recipients of the 2019 NASCIO State Technology Innovator Award:

Nikhil Deshpande
Chief Digital Officer, State of Georgia

As Chief Digital Officer of Digital Services Georgia at the Georgia Technology Authority, Nikhil Deshpande leads the team responsible for managing, the official online portal to Georgia state government, and Georgia GovHub, the state’s official publishing platform for delivering state-of-the-art, secure, accessible and compliant websites. Nikhil has spearheaded many initiatives including a state website rebranding initiative, ensuring the state’s websites meet the needs of constituents with disabilities and is responsible for Georgia being the first state to use responsive design technology on both its web portal and its enterprise publishing platform.

Tony Powell
Chief Information Officer, Department of Health, State of Florida

As the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) CIO, Tony Powell directs IT operations and modernization efforts across the department’s 400+ locations. Alongside peers from Florida and the greater U.S., Powell sought new ways to deliver consistent access to applications, provide dependable support and services, and ensure continuity of operations no matter the circumstances. Under Powell’s leadership, FDOH has adopted a multi-cloud and hybrid cloud approach for production workloads, non-production workloads and disaster recovery with encryption at rest and transport. The result is the ability to be nimble, adjust during disasters, operate when issues arise during day-to-day operations and provide maximum adaptability to meet all circumstances.

Tere Shade
Business Solutions Manager, State of Texas

Tere Shade is the Business Solutions Manager for the Department of Information Resources (DIR) Shared Technology Services (STS) Program in the State of Texas and oversaw the transformation of the STS program. Under her leadership, STS was able to establish a new service delivery system to support a shift from data center-driven environments to a broad host of managed IT service offerings available to eligible state agencies, city and county governments, higher education institutions and public school districts in the state of Texas. Additionally, she successfully led the September 2018 launch of the Outreach and Growth team, promoting the goal of integrating marketing automation, customer relationship management and IT service management systems. Her efforts have resulted in more than doubling the number of STS customers that now include approximately 150 cities, counties and public school districts in Texas.

NASCIO Announces Recipients for 2019 NASCIO State IT Recognition Awards

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today announced recipients for the State IT Recognition Awards. Projects and initiatives from NASCIO member states and territories were eligible for nomination. NASCIO members served as volunteer judges to review the over 130 submissions, narrowing the nominees down to finalists in each category.

NASCIO Awards Committee co-chairs, Denis Goulet, Commissioner for the State of New Hampshire, and Nelson Moe, Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia, praised the recipients and all states who submitted a project: “the recipients and submissions for this year’s awards are prime examples of how state IT can transform and improve the lives of the citizens we serve. We are proud to recognize them with this high honor.”

The award recipients showcase the use of information technology to address critical business problems, more easily connect citizens to their government, improve business processes and create new opportunities that improve the lives of citizens.

Award recipients for the 2019 State IT Recognition Awards are:

Business Process Innovations
State of Michigan: JobNet: Road to the Future

Cross-Boundary Collaboration & Partnerships
State of North Carolina: Improving Emergency Response Precision with the State Emergency Response Application

State of Ohio: Digital Identity: Providing a Secure Customer Experience

Data Management, Analytics & Visualization
State of Illinois: Winning Against Tax Fraud with Data Analytics

Digital Government: Government to Business
State of Minnesota: Preparing for Emergencies: Medical PreCheck & Locator App

Digital Government: Government to Citizen
State of North Carolina: Women, Infants and Children Benefits in the Mobile Application Age

Emerging & Innovative Technologies
State of Washington: Using UAS Technology in Collision and Crime Scene Reconstruction

Enterprise IT Management Initiatives
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania IT and HR Shared Services Transformation

Information Communications Technology (ICT) Innovations
State of California: Identification and Removal of Hazardous Materials During Wildfire Response

State CIO Office Special Recognition
State of Washington: Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System

To review all 2019 submissions and previous submissions from the past 31 years, visit the awards library: