NASCIO Releases 2019 Federal Advocacy Priorities: Continues Call for Harmonized Cyber Regulations

WASHINGTON, D.C., January 23, 2019 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released its 2019 federal advocacy priorities. The priorities are:

1. Harmonize disparate federal cybersecurity regulations and normalize the audit process

2. Continue meaningful state CIO/CISO participation in FEMA’s Senior Advisory Committee and Urban Area Working Group

3. Recognize state authority and ongoing innovation with emerging technology

Fact sheets regarding the above priorities can be found at:

“Disparate regulations are an obstacle for states working to proactively enhance their cybersecurity posture and deliver innovative digital government for citizens,” said James Collins, NASCIO president and Delaware CIO. “We are encouraged by the engagement of our federal partners to harmonize cybersecurity regulations and look forward to advancing that work in 2019.”

In May 2018, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced key changes which required states to include chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) in state senior advisory committees. NASCIO fully supports continued and meaningful engagement of state CIOs and CISOs on these advisory committees which govern state homeland security grants managed by FEMA.

“NASCIO applauds the inclusion of state CIOs and CISOs in FEMA advisory committees and we look forward to continuing to support these efforts.” Said Doug Robinson, NASCIO’s executive director.

In the 2018 State CIO Survey, state CIOs forecast that artificial intelligence / robotic process automation (57 percent), internet of things (27 percent) and connected/autonomous vehicles (8 percent) will be the most impactful emerging technologies for state government in the next three to five years. By embracing these and other technological advances, state CIOs seek to enhance the effectiveness of state government in delivering services to citizens. As such, NASCIO supports the ability and authority of state governments to continue to serve as laboratories of democracy as it applies to emerging technology.

The association’s federal advocacy priorities are selected by NASCIO’s executive committee and reflect policy priorities as indicated by association members ( NASCIO aims to add to policy discussions taking place within the federal government sphere as they relate to the business of state government IT.

NASCIO Executive Committee Member Dewand Neely Appointed to Global

LEXINGTON, Ky., January 17, 2019 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) is honored to announce that NASCIO Executive Committee member and Indiana chief information officer (CIO) Dewand Neely has been appointed to serve as a NASCIO representative on the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Global Advisory Committee (GAC).

As a member of the GAC, Neely will assist in advising the United States Attorney General on information sharing issues. The GAC advances justice-related information sharing goals through the facilitation of issue-focused task teams and councils, developing guidance documents, best practices, policy templates and other resources addressing data sharing issues and priority challenges.

NASCIO President and Delaware CIO James Collins applauded Neely’s appointment saying, “NASCIO is honored to continue contributing to the work of the Global GAC and I am delighted that Dewand will serve on behalf of the association. His wealth of knowledge and experience will enable him to effectively represent NASCIO and the state IT community on this important Federal Advisory Committee.”

Neely has been Indiana’s CIO since October 2015, having been re-appointed by Governor Eric J. Holcomb in January 2017. Serving Indiana state government since 2003, Neely was one of the initial employees to join the newly created Indiana Office of Technology. Since that time, he has spent the last decade with the Indiana Office of Technology and has held several other senior positions within the office. Neely received his undergraduate degree from Purdue University’s School of Technology and his MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University.

To learn more about Global, please visit:

NASCIO Leadership Appointed to Federal Advisory Committees

LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, December 13, 2018 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) is honored to announce that several members of its Executive Committee have been appointed to serve as NASCIO representatives on three key federal advisory committees:

Utah Chief Information Officer Mike Hussey was appointed to the National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC). Sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Interior, NGAC provides recommendations on geospatial policy and management issues to the Federal Geographic Data Committee, the interagency executive group responsible for providing leadership and direction in federal geospatial programs. Learn more about NGAC.

NASCIO Secretary/Treasurer and North Carolina Secretary and Chief Information Officer Eric Boyette has been appointed to SAFECOM, a public safety communications program of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This program relies on its state and local members for guidance on interoperability solutions that allow emergency responders to communicate effectively. Learn more about SAFECOM.

Finally, New Hampshire Commissioner Denis Goulet has been appointed to the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC). The committee members support FirstNet in carrying out its duties and responsibilities by providing guidance and expertise to concepts developed by FirstNet. Learn more about PSAC.

State CIO Priorities for 2019 – Security and Cloud Services remain a key focus for State Technology Leaders

LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, December 6 — In its annual message to the marketplace, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has released the state technology leaders’ top priorities for the coming year. Security remains the top priority for the sixth year running with no change in the top four priorities from 2018.  The prioritized rankings of strategies and technologies reflect voting by forty-nine state CIOs and are available for download at

Digital government remains as a high priority and is receiving more attention from state CIOs and agencies.  This is reflective of the increase in citizen expectations for how they want to do business with state government.

“In addition to the duty to safeguard state systems and citizen information, increasing efficiency and fostering innovation are clearly indicated as key objectives for state CIOs in 2019”, said James Collins, NASCIO president and chief information officer for the state of Delaware.  “It is promising to see that states also plan to focus on expanding partnerships and leveraging the power of data analytics for public good. Partnerships with state agencies and private IT companies are key ingredients for transitioning to NASCIO’s ‘CIO as Broker’ operating model.”

 “Identity and access management (IAM) appears on the top ten list for the first time,” remarked NASCIO Executive Director Doug Robinson. “Enterprise IAM approaches and solutions are gaining more traction in the states and are essential for managing secure employee access and supporting digital government platforms for citizens.”

NASCIO utilizes the annual list of priorities to develop strategic areas of focus for the coming year, formulate new committees and working groups and plan NASCIO conference sessions and publications.

NASCIO Members and Conference Attendees Give Back to San Diego, Host City of the 2018 Annual Conference

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, November 7, 2018 —

Total donation of $12,445 provided to local San Diego organization

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) provided a $12,445 donation to the San Diego Futures Foundation (SDFF), a San Diego organization working to bridge the digital divide and improve lives by making information technology available to underserved populations.

Donations were collected during the NASCIO Annual Conference in San Diego through the Give Back program to thank the host community. NASCIO state, corporate and nonprofit members donated $7,445 through individual contributions and NASCIO provided a $5,000 donation.

“The donations from NASCIO will allow us to expand our training programs around digital literacy and digital inclusion.  In San Diego there are over 300,000 individuals who do not have access to technology or the internet and do not know how to use technology to improve their lives. Our mission is to make sure that everyone in San Diego County who desires the benefits that technology offers has the skills to do it,” said Gary Knight the Executive Director of the San Diego Futures Foundation. “With the generosity of NASCIO, we will be able to serve hundreds of new residents and provide them with the opportunities that most of us take for granted.”

To learn more about the San Diego Futures Foundation, visit

NASCIO Honors Mark Raymond of Connecticut for his Exceptional Service to the State and NASCIO

SAN DIEGO, CA., Wednesday, October 24 – The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recognized Mark Raymond, past NASCIO president and chief information officer (CIO) for the state of Connecticut, with the association's Meritorious Service Award. Raymond was honored during a special ceremony Tuesday evening at the NASCIO Annual Conference in San Diego.

To spotlight outstanding service, NASCIO created the Meritorious Service Award, honoring leadership in state government and dedication to the advancement of NASCIO's mission. NASCIO's achievements have largely been the product of the enthusiasm, focus and service of its members; this commitment to excellence has served as a catalyst to redefine the role of technology at the federal, state and local levels.

"In the nomination for the award, Mark was described as a ‘special leader who understands how to move an organization forward’, and I couldn’t agree more,” stated Bo Reese, NASCIO president and chief information officer for the state of Oklahoma. “I’ve worked with Mark as a peer and as a leader on the NASCIO Executive Committee, and he has been a standout in terms of strategic thinking and moving both NASCIO and his state forward.”

Mark has led the state of Connecticut for the last seven years as an advocate for enterprise-wide thinking and approaches to IT investments and projects. He’s been instrumental in the formation of the Information Technology Capital Investment Program, which invests in and creates interoperable systems. He also led the development of the state’s first cybersecurity plan and has been a leader in cybersecurity planning and execution not only for the state, but also for NASCIO having chaired the Cybersecurity Committee for three years. Mark was also instrumental in building a partnership with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to utilize their data center facilities for Connecticut’s disaster recovery needs, the efforts of which were recognized by NASCIO with a 2016 State IT Recognition award.

“When our administration began eight years ago, we were handed an information technology infrastructure that was severely behind the curve and in dire need of critical updates, which is why we made modernization of our systems a key priority.  I couldn’t have selected someone better than Mark Raymond to head this task,” said Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy. “Over the last eight years, he has played an essential role in upgrading Connecticut’s information technology systems. Operating obsolete information technology systems creates inefficiencies that cost taxpayers money, result in delays and inefficiencies, and in some cases the inability to allow agencies to share information is downright dangerous. Overseeing such a critical upgrade is no easy task. I have the highest regard for Mark. His decades of experience in this field have proven himself worthy of the recognition he is receiving today. And we are so very grateful for everything that he has helped us accomplish.”

Currently serving as Past President, Raymond has been a member of NASCIO’s Executive Committee for four years, He was President in 2016-2017 and, prior to that, served in the role of Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. In addition to the Cybersecurity Committee, Raymond has also chaired NASCIO’s Programs Committee, Audit Committee, Nominations Committee and Awards Committee, and has represented NASCIO with testimony on the federal level and as a speaker and panelist at regional and national conferences.

NASCIO Honors Exceptional Contributions in State Government

SAN DIEGO, Calif., Wednesday, October 24 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) presented the State Technology Innovator Award to three deserving public servants during the 2018 NASCIO Annual Conference in San Diego.

The NASCIO State Technology Innovator Award honors outstanding individuals who have made contributions to advance state technology policy through the promotion of best practices, adoption of new technologies and advancements in service delivery. Nominees must be a state government employee. Nominations were gathered from NASCIO members as well as non-members and selected by the NASCIO Executive Committee. The following are the recipients of the 2018 NASCIO State Technology Innovator Award:

Chris Cruz, Deputy Chief Information Officer, State of California
As Deputy CIO for the State of California, Chris Cruz is a visionary leader in digital technology for the department, the state and the nation. From driving SaaS solutions and a single statewide e-mail solution to serving as an ambassador both at home and across the country, Chris has been instrumental to California’s continued success.

David McCurdy, Chief Technology Officer, State of Colorado
David McCurdy is blazing a path for the State of Colorado in modernizing IT. David’s advancements to Colorado’s technology agenda are making a difference for state employees and Coloradans, thereby helping to create a safer, happier and healthier state. He works to empower the state with flexible technology that will drive sustainable and intelligent business decisions for years to come.

Rajiv Rao, Chief Technology Officer, State of New York
Rajiv Rao’s broad experience and bold vision equips him with a perspective to work with clients to architect innovative technology solutions that deliver big value for New York. Leading projects such as data center consolidation, identity-as-a-service, single sign-on for more than 800 New York state apps, and modern artificial intelligence and machine language processing to improve IT support for the state workforce, Rao is truly an innovator making a difference for the state of New York.

State CIOs Value Communication, Ready to Face Evolving Nature of Technology Leadership

SAN DIEGO, Calif,. Tuesday, October 23 — As internal and external pressures continue to mount, state technology leaders say they are confident that by building strong teams and embracing new products and development processes, state IT departments will be able to improve how they serve government agencies and residents. Those and other factors contributed heavily to the 2018 State CIO Survey, State CIO as Communicator: The Evolving Nature of Technology Leadership, which was jointly released today by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), Grant Thornton LLP and CompTIA. The survey includes responses from all 50 state CIOs on a range of issues, from evolving business models to workforce and budget to access to innovation and facing the future. Respondents to this year’s survey represent more than 150 years of collective service as a state’s top technology official.

“The results of our 2018 survey highlight how state CIOs are addressing and planning for more transition in state government,” said Doug Robinson, executive director of NASCIO. “CIOs are building strong relationships with key stakeholders and focusing on enterprise vision and strategy, security and risk management, agency customer service and relationship management.”

“The era of IT infrastructure as a state CIO’s primary focus is squarely in the rearview mirror,” said Graeme Finley, principal with Grant Thornton Public Sector. “Technology is enabling government to operate and deliver services to constituents more efficiently, but at the same time, a CIO’s mastery of communication and negotiation skills is becoming increasingly essential to the top technology role in state government.”

“The insights provided in this year’s survey will help the private technology sector better tailor offerings to state governments,” said Jennifer Saha, Director of Public Sector Councils for CompTIA. “Knowing where CIOs are heading, and what obstacles stand in their way, allows the technology industry to better anticipate the often unique needs of each state. With that understanding, tech companies are able to provide better solutions and partner with states to accomplish their business goals.”

The 2018 State CIO Survey also highlights critical success factors for CIOs, legacy modernization funding and procurement, digital transformation and emerging technologies. The complete report State CIO as a Communicator: The Evolving Nature of Technology Leadership is available on the NASCIO website:

NASCIO Recognizes Outstanding Achievement in State Government

SAN DIEGO, Calif., Tuesday, October 23 — Eleven exemplary initiatives were chosen as recipients for the National Association of State Chief Information Officers’ (NASCIO) 2018 Recognition Awards for outstanding achievement in information technology in state government.

Recipients were announced this evening during the NASCIO Annual Conference in San Diego. This marks the 30th consecutive year NASCIO has honored outstanding information technology achievements in the public sector through the awards program. Recipients were selected by the NASCIO Awards Committee from a field of more than 100 nominees.

“It has been a great privilege to co-chair the NASCIO Awards Committee, particularly this year as we celebrate 30 years of recognizing states for their transformative and innovative projects,” said New Hampshire Commissioner Denis Goulet and Arkansas CTO Yessica Jones. “The recipients honored tonight, as well as all nominated projects, are outstanding examples of how states are working hard to improve the efficiency of state government.”    

The 2018 Award Recipients are:

Business Process Innovations
State of New Mexico, SHARE: From a Four-Letter Word to a Five Letter Success

Cross-Boundary Collaboration & Partnership
State of Georgia, Georgia Gateway

State of Missouri, Vendor Security Risk Management and Benchmarking

Data Management, Analytics and Visualization
State of Indiana, Facilitating Data-Driven Innovation: Indiana Management Performance Hub

Digital Government: Government to Business 
State of Illinois, Unemployment Insurance Tax Modernization
State of Indiana, INBiz: Taking Hoosier Businesses to the Next Level

Digital Government: Government to Citizen 
State of Michigan, Michigan Education and Career Pathfinder

Emerging and Innovative Technologies
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Kentucky’s Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment System
State of Mississippi, My Mississippi, My Technology

Enterprise IT Management Initiatives
State of Nebraska, Operation Enterprise IT: A Hybrid Consolidation

Information Communications Technology (ICT) Innovations
State of Michigan, Mi Bridges: Helping Michigan Citizens Every Step of the Way

State CIO Office Special Recognition    
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Center of Excellence for Electronic Grants

NASCIO Continues State IT Procurement Reform Campaign with Renewed Calls for Acquisition Reformation and Transformation

SAN DIEGO, Calif., Tuesday, October 23 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers today renewed its call for information technology (IT) acquisition reform by releasing A View from the Marketplace: What They Say About State IT Procurement. The publication, a product of the NASCIO Roundtable on IT Procurement Innovation, focuses on the role the private sector can play in the state IT acquisition process (not just the IT procurement process). The publication includes feedback from NASCIO’s private sector members as well as the following recommendations for all involved in the state IT acquisition process:

  • Work together to shorten the IT acquisition process
  • Build relationships and improve communication and transparency
  • Modernize IT acquisition strategies to enable innovation
  • Cross-educate state and private sector teams

“During our work on the roundtable, one participant told us she had two children during one sales cycle,” said Meredith Ward, NASCIO senior policy analyst. “Clearly, shortening acquisition times and working together to ensure the process produces the best possible outcome for states is key.”

Members of the roundtable included state and private sector participants from the following invited associations:

  • National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO)
  • National Association of State Chief Administrators (NASCA)
  • Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) SLED Council
  • IT Alliance for Public Sector (ITAPS)

A copy of the publication can be found on NASCIO’s website,