Effective Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration – Governance is Critical!

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, July 16 — States and local government are joining up in a myriad of ways to save money and leverage economies of scale in operations to deliver better government services. The recipe for successful cross-jurisdictional collaborations has been explored by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) in its report “What Makes Collaborative Initiatives Work?” One of the key ingredients, if not the key ingredient, is governance. NASCIO has followed up that report with a new release focusing on governance. Several successful collaboratives are presented along with general guidance on governance for cross-jurisdictional collaboration. These reports are available at www.nascio.org/publications.

“With this report, we’re highlighting a key factor to the success of any collaborative,” said Sonny Bhagowalia, co-chair of the NASCIO Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration working group and chief information officer for the state of Hawaii. “We’re developing a growing library of resources that can assist states and local governments in the evaluation of opportunities for collaboration and the successful implementation of formal arrangements. Our observations and advice on business practices present examples of highly successful collaboratives. Stay tuned to NASCIO for future publications and conference sessions on this very broad scope of cross-jurisdictional collaboration.”

“Governance is the first best or emerging practice we’ve highlighted,” said David Behen, co-chair for the NASCIO Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration working group and chief information officer for Michigan. “We’re finding opportunities to not only form collaboratives with local government, but also with other countries. As these collaboratives become more inclusive, they also become more complex. That’s where best or emerging practices will become critical. We want to form collaboratives that will be successful right from the start – and be able to sustain that success.”

Collaboration Issues Call-to-Action on Government Guidance

NASCIO Contributes to three practical decision tools to help government officials
write laws, regulations or guidance

LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, June 13 — Six national associations of government officials released a call-to-action guide designed to help promote trust in government by limiting government requirements to those that are essential. The call-to-action was issued jointly by the Association of Government Accountants (AGA), the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), the Association of Educational Federal Finance Administrators (AEFFA), the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators (NAFEPA), the National Association of State Auditors Comptrollers & Treasurers (NASACT), and the National Grants Management Association (NGMA).

According to AGA Executive Director Relmond P. Van Daniker, DBA, CPA, “The call-to-action is based on the premise that trust in any government erodes when it places unnecessary burdens on its people.” He said the call-to-action is comprised of three decision tools to help government officials in adopting requirements that are essential, that are expressed in plain writing and that underscore the importance of only collecting data that is needed and that will actually be used.

The tools provide a common way to evaluate the appropriateness and clarity of requirements, and the nature of data needed to assess programs. They include:

Tool 1: Determining Whether a Requirement Should be Included in a Law, Regulation or Guidance

Tool 2: Promoting Clarity through Plain Writing

Tool 3: Obtaining and Protecting Good Data

View the call-to-action guide at www.agacgfm.org/AGA/ToolsResources/documents/CollaborationSeries_Decision-Tree.pdf  

“In an era of tight budgets, this call-to-action offers a concrete tool to help government officials leverage resources, increase program effectiveness and enhance accountability,” according to Van Daniker. “Rather than examine specific statutory or regulatory content, we provide tools to help government officials make decisions that will increase program effectiveness.”

The call-to-action was prepared by the Work Group on Leveraging Resources in Challenging Financial Times (Work Group), operating under the auspices of AGA’s Partnership for Intergovernmental Management and Accountability (Intergovernmental Partnership). The Partnership was established by AGA in September 2007 to open the lines of communication among governments. In developing the call-to-action AGA sought the involvement of associations and individuals who play a key role in developing and implementing a broad cross section of government requirements. Learn more about the Partnership at www.agacgfm.org/Tools—Resources/Intergovernmental-Partnership.aspx.  

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers is the premier network and resource for state CIOs and a leading advocate for technology policy at all levels of government. NASCIO represents state chief information officers and information technology executives from the states, territories, and the District of Columbia. The primary state government members are senior officials who have executive level and statewide responsibility for information technology leadership. State officials who are involved in agency level information technology management may participate as state members. Representatives from other public sector and non-profit organizations may also participate as associate members. Private sector firms may join as corporate members and participate in the Corporate Leadership Council. For more information about NASCIO visit www.nascio.org.

AMR Management Services provides NASCIO’s executive staff. For more information about AMR visit www.AMRms.com/.

About AGA: AGA is the member organization for financial professionals in government. We lead and encourage change that benefits our field and all citizens. Our networking events, professional certification, publications and ongoing education help members build their skills and advance their careers.www.agacgfm.org  

About AEFFA: AEFFA is a not-for-profit organization for state-level educational finance administrators working primarily with federal funds issues.

About NAFEPA: NAFEPA has been a key organization for educators working with federal programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act since 1974. The organization’s major functions of support, education, training and technical assistance are achieved through publications, an annual conference and a strong state represented board of directors. NAFEPA serves nearly 4,000 members across the nation.

About NASACT: NASACT is the professional organization for officials who have been elected or appointed to the offices of state auditor, state comptroller or state treasurer. www.nasact.org.

About NGMA: NGMA is a thought leader in grants management with members representing all types of grantees and federal agency grantors. NGMA offers a Certified Grants Management Specialist credential and a variety of training events including the Grants Management Body of Knowledge and other current grant topics. www.ngma.org

NASCIO and HIMSS Release Survey on State CIO Views of Health IT Initiatives State CIOs

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, June 11 — State CIOs continue to serve as a vital link in health IT transformation, according to a new survey, “The Health IT Landscape in the States: Through the Lens of the State CIO,” released today by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). The publication is available for download on NASCIO’s website atwww.nascio.org/publications and on the HIMSS website in the HIMSS HIE Toolkit.

It is increasingly imperative that states implement an enterprise-wide architecture for the exchange of health information, especially as state CIOs continue to take on varying roles in areas, such as:

• Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS);
• Medicaid eligibility systems;
• Data governance;
• Identity management (IdM);
• State health insurance marketplaces;
• State Level Health Information Exchange (SLHIE); and
• Shared services and collaboration.

NASCIO and HIMSS have collaborated to provide a snapshot of how states are responding to the challenge. The survey provides a better depiction of what role, if any, the state CIO is playing in these various efforts.

“State CIOs are wearing many hats when it comes to state health IT projects,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO executive director. “The focus remains to find ways to collaborate and coordinate IT initiatives from a global or enterprise view.”

This survey, the first in-depth industry study of this nature, includes the findings, detailed analysis, and call to action for states and state CIOs to successfully navigate IT implementation.

“Improving health and healthcare demands a collaborative effort, including the efforts of CIOs at the state level,” says Carla Smith, MA, CNM, FHIMSS, HIMSS Executive Vice President. “This research introduces valuable findings on the current contributions of, and future opportunities for, these state CIOs who are healthcare leaders in their respective locations.”

Visit www.nascio.org to download this new survey.

Visit the HIMSS website to download the paper and learn more about state health IT initiatives. Contact Pam Matthews, RN, MBA, CPHIMS, LFHIMSS, HIMSS senior director, Informatics, at [email protected] for more information on HIEs; contact Tom Keefe, MA, FHIMSS, HIMSS senior director, State Government Affairs, Technology Solutions, at [email protected] for more information on state government initiatives at HIMSS.

HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information technology (IT). HIMSS leads global efforts to optimize health engagements and care outcomes using information technology. Visit www.himss.org.

HIMSS is a part of HIMSS WorldWide, a cause-based, global enterprise producing health IT thought leadership, education, events, market research and media services around the world. Founded in 1961, HIMSS WorldWide encompasses more than 52,000 individuals, of which more than two-thirds work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations across the globe, plus over 600 corporations and 250 not-for-profit partner organizations, that share this cause. HIMSS WorldWide, headquartered in Chicago, serves the global health IT community with additional offices in the United States, Europe, and Asia.

NASCIO Reviews Gaps, Risk in State Social Media Brief

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, June 5 – the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today released an issue brief focusing on state use of social media, specifically on state social media participation policies (“SMPP’s”). NASCIO’s Legal Advisory Working Group took a look at 31 SMPPs, which focus specifically on guidance/policy given to state employees regarding their participation in social media.

States have come a long way in the past few years, with the majority implementing social media policies or working towards one. However, some of the gaps found have the potential to open up states to some severe heartburn: including employee discontent, management concerns, public perception and liability.

Doug Robinson, executive director of NASCIO, stated, “80 percent of CIOs rate the future value of social media as high or essential and the majority believes that social media are working to promote innovative state services. It is our goal that the issue brief, and the sample documents included, serves as a tool for CIOs to be able to continue to take the necessary steps to protect their state’s use of social media.”

The issue brief also addresses the inclusion of clauses on confidentiality, ethical conduct, security and privacy, and transparency in SMPP’s. For more information and to view the issue brief, please visit www.nascio.org/publications/.

NASCIO Launches State Mobile Apps Catalog

LEXINGTON, Ky., Monday, May 13 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) developed a new State Mobile Apps Catalog, a collection of over 160 state and territory native mobile apps that users can browse and download for smart phones and tablets. The apps are searchable by state/territory, by category and through an overall browse function.

“This tool offers a convenient way to see what other states are producing in terms of mobile apps, and allowing states to generate ideas for their own state or territory,” said Brenda Decker, NASCIO president and Nebraska CIO. “Some states lead the way in mobile app development and can pose as models for those growing their mobile app capabilities.”

The catalog includes a vast range of topics including; public safety, health and wellness, public assistance, employee assistance, state portal, traffic/road conditions, parks and recreation, plus much more. Visit www.nascio.org/apps to browse through the topics or upload your states native apps.

NASCIO Fly-In Brings State CIOs Priorities to Washington

WASHINGTON, D.C.—On Wednesday, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) D.C. Fly-In brought together a delegation of state IT leaders with key federal decision makers. Over 50 State CIOs and state technology policy officials engaged in high-level briefings and roundtable discussions with congressional staff, federal agency officials, and NASCIO strategic partners on significant issues impacting state government technology.

NASCIO members discussed pressing intergovernmental technology policy concerns, including the cybersecurity threat to state governments, grant guidance reform, and the FirstNet Public Safety Broadband Network. “The Fly-In is not just an opportunity for us to learn from our partners at the federal level, but also to provide them with the information they need to harness the power of information technology to modernize government at every level—making it more efficient, effective, and transparent for our citizens,” said Brenda Decker, NASCIO president and CIO for the state of Nebraska.

Pelgrin Honored with the NASCIO Technology Champion Award

WASHINGTON, D.C., Tuesday, April 30 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has awarded Will Pelgrin, CEO and president of the Center for Internet Security and founder and chair of the Multi-state Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), with the association’s 2013 NASCIO Technology Champion (NTC) award. Pelgrin received recognition for his outstanding contributions promoting government performance excellence through sound information technology solutions, policies and practice during the NASCIO Midyear Conference in Washington, D.C.

Elayne Starkey, Delaware chief security officer said, “Will Pelgrin is an outstanding selection for the NASCIO Technology Champion Award. His advice, wise counsel, and willingness to assist has been invaluable to the Delaware Security Program as we partner together to protect critical assets.”

“Will Pelgrin is our nation’s cybersecurity pioneer whose vision and energy has created the vital bridge that now strongly connects chief information security officers and other security practitioners working in the public sector,” said Jim Richards, West Virginia chief information security officer. “Will is known for his incredibly strong commitment to the continuous enhancement of the nation’s security posture, and he has created invaluable and powerful linkages, within the framework of the MS-ISAC, among public sector organizations, and with the federal Cyber Security partners.”

NASCIO presents the NTC award each spring to acknowledge an individual who has demonstrated a clear understanding of the fundamental role that information technology can play in efficient and effective government operations. Nominees may be an elected or appointed official representing federal, state or local government, an academician, author, journalist, or an individual from the non-profit or private sector.

NASCIO Releases Capitals in the Clouds Part V: Managing the Risk of Free Cloud Services

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, April 3 – Cloud-based file sharing solutions have become very popular and certainly a growing and significant part of day-to-day computing according to “Capitals in the Clouds Part V: Managing the Risk of Free Cloud Services” an issue brief released today by the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). It is easy to see why these services are attractive to state government users after using them in many facets of their personal life. With a wide variety of choices in the market, these solutions are easy to access, configure and use. They support multiple devices (especially mobile), and data in multiple formats. The most important consideration for state employee users – these file sharing services are free.

Since the release of the 2012 NASCIO and Deloitte Cybersecurity Study, more security and policy questions have been raised on the use of free cloud services by states. In addition to the May 2012 Capitals in the Clouds IV guidance on rogue cloud users, states have continued to seek out leading practices on how to put the proper controls in place, meet security standards, craft acceptable use policies, and identify the open records and legal concerns regarding terms of service. In addition, state CIOs understand they must support the business objectives of their agency customers and offer enterprise alternatives to free cloud services.

“The business is the only reason we all exist in providing IT services. Without the business, IT has no role. However, identification, assumption and mitigation of risk must be an integral part of the overall business plan,” said Tony Encinias, state chief information officer for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. “Having the business acknowledge, understand and be accountable of the risk changes human behavior. This philosophy is an important tenant on how the Commonwealth approaches risk management.”

To address these concerns and take a deeper dive into the topic, NASCIO interviewed IT security expert Erik Avakian, chief information security officer for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The insightful interview is available for download on NASCIO’s website at www.nascio.org/publications/.

NASCIO Establishes Conference Scholarship Program in Memory of Past President

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, March 27 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) created a new scholarship program, the Thomas M. Jarrett CISO Conference Scholarship Program, to honor Thomas Jarrett, former Chief Information Officer of the State of Delaware, NASCIO President (2005-2006) and 2006 recipient of the prestigious Meritorious Service Award.

This elite scholarship will award three chief information security officers (CISOs) the opportunity to attend a premier NASCIO conference. State chief information officers may nominate CISOs for the scholarship starting April 1 at www.nascio.org. The application will include examples of the CISO’s leadership in cybersecurity and why the CISO would benefit from attending the conference. Learn more at https://www.nascio.org/awards/tjcs/.

“Tom had a passion for cybersecurity not only in his state, but for the association as well,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO’s executive director. “To recognize his contributions and advocacy in advancing the states’ cybersecurity agenda, NASCIO’s leadership dedicated a scholarship in his memory.”

Read Robinson’s blog on remembering Tom Jarrett at http://community.nascio.org/NASCIO/Blogs/BlogViewer/?BlogKey=2ebc37ce-de96-46fa-b7ea-953052c82b55.

NASCIO Announces Paul Vitale as the 2013 Midyear Keynote Speaker

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, March 26 — Paul Vitale, professional speaker and author, will present the keynote, “Inspired Teamwork & Leadership,” at the National Association of State Chief Information Officer’s (NASCIO) 2013 Midyear Conference.

Vitale, one of America’s most sought-out speakers and trainers, will detail significant traits and strategies that bring cohesiveness to any team. The NASCIO attendees will hear about uniting for a common cause, understanding and respecting diversity and encouraging individuals through positive actions are all elements of this empowering message.

“It is a distinct privilege having the opportunity to present during the NASCIO 2013 Midyear Conference. I am extremely excited to work with the many attendees who will be present for this important event mapping strategies and networking for growth and strength,” said Vitale.

The keynote will take place in Washington, DC on Monday, April 29.