NASCIO Announces Finalists for 2020 NASCIO State IT Recognition Awards

LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, September 23, 2020 —The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has selected 30 finalists across 10 categories for the State IT Recognition Awards. Projects and initiatives from NASCIO member states and territories were eligible for nomination. Over 60 NASCIO members served as volunteer judges to review the over 90 submissions, narrowing the nominees down to three finalists in each category. From these finalists, a recipient from each category will be announced during the NASCIO Virtual Annual Conference in October.

The award nominations showcase the use of information technology to address critical business problems, more easily connect citizens to their government, improve business processes and create new opportunities that improve the lives of citizens. To ensure states have access to the innovations and leading practices of their peers, all award submissions have been added to NASCIO’s Awards Library.

Award finalists for the 2020 State IT Recognition Awards are:

Business Process Innovations
State of Colorado: Colorado PEAK Chatbot
State of Minnesota: MNIT and MDH: Cloud, AI, and Data Lake Transformation
State of North Carolina: Modernizing Environmental Mapping with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Cross-Boundary Collaboration & Partnerships
State of Minnesota: Collaborative Maps Community of Practice: Creating Groundbreaking Accessible Map Guides
State of Montana: Montana Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System Project
Commonwealth of Virginia: Framework for Addiction Analysis and Community Transformation (FAACT)

State of Georgia: Who Let the “Cyber Dawg” Out? A Live-Action Cybersecurity Exercise
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Developing Key Security Risk Indicators Through Cyber Analytics and Correlation
Commonwealth of Virginia: Quantitative Risk Analysis for Improved Cybersecurity Risk Management

Data Management, Analytics & Visualization
State of Oregon: SMarT (Scars, Marks, Tattoos): Safety, Security, & CORE Measures Transformation
State of Ohio: Ohio Opioid Use Disorder in Criminal Justice – Phase 1
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Maintenance-IQ – Empowering PennDOT Professionals with Data Visualization

Digital Services: Government to Business
State of Colorado: MyBizColorado
State of Delaware: Delaware One Stop
State of North Carolina: Improving Health Outcomes through the State Health Information Exchange

Digital Services: Government to Citizen
State of Colorado: myColorado
State of North Carolina: myNCDMV: The Digital DMV Experience
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: REAL ID Project

Emerging & Innovative Technologies
State of Indiana: Management Performance Hub, Enhance Research Environment
State of Minnesota: MNIT and DNR: Digital App Manages Public Water Access Sites
State of Wisconsin: DevOps Platform

Enterprise IT Management Initiatives
State of Colorado: DevSecOps
Commonwealth of Kentucky: Enterprise IT Project Portfolio Management
Commonwealth of Virginia: Pioneering a New Method of State IT Services Delivery

Information Communications Technology (ICT) Innovations
State of Indiana: Department of Child Services, CCWIS VR Employee Engagement Platform
State of Maryland: Maryland First: First Responders Interoperability Radio System Team
State of Wisconsin: Electrifying HealthCare Communication in Corrections

State CIO Office Special Recognition
State of Minnesota: MNIT and MDVA: Modern Digital VATS-Education System Serves Veteran
State of Tennessee: The Best Recipe for IT Workforce, Culture and Guiding Principles
State of Washington: Paid Family & Medical Leave

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Annual Conference Goes Virtual

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, July 7, 2020Today the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) announced that the association’s upcoming annual conference in October is going virtual. The in-person conference was scheduled to be held October 10-14 in Minneapolis, MN. However, because of travel restrictions for NASCIO members and the uncertainty surrounding the spread of COVID-19, the safest annual conference is a virtual one. 

“The NASCIO Programs Committee and staff are hard at work on delivering the best virtual conference to our members,” said NASCIO Vice President, Programs Committee Chair and the CIO for the State of Utah, Mike Hussey. “The safety and health of our members is of the utmost importance to NASCIO and, although it’s disappointing that the gathering won’t be in person, the virtual conference will still be the signature NASCIO experience.” 

NASCIO will be announcing details for the members-only virtual event in the coming weeks. The latest information can always be found on NASCIO’s website, 

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Issues Brief on Chatbots in the Era of COVID-19 as State Use Nears Seventy-Five Percent

LEXINGTON, KY., Wednesday, June 24, 2020 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officer’s (NASCIO) released Chat with Us: How States are Using Chatbots to Respond to the Demands of COVID-19. The brief reports that around three-quarters of states are deploying chatbots (virtual agents) to assist with questions on unemployment insurance, general COVID-19 questions or for other state agencies that may be receiving unusually high traffic due to the pandemic. Research into state use of chatbots was conducted by NASCIO staff in the spring of 2020.

As the report notes, CIOs knew that chatbots and other robotic process automation tools were important but were searching for the right business case for use. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided that business case and has aided states in responding to surges in online inquiries and transactions. State chatbots have responded to millions of citizen questions and continue to learn and build on the existing state knowledge base.

The brief also includes specific use cases from states and links to current state chatbots. The publication may be found on NASCIO’s website:  

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Releases Latest Publication in CIO as Broker Series

LEXINGTON, KY., Tuesday, June 2, 2020 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released The State CIO Operating Model: Leveraging the Power of the Four Forces. The publication is the latest in the NASCIO CIO as Broker Series and a follow up of the September 2018 paper, The State CIO Top Ten: Why It’s More than a List.

Since the publication of the 2018 report NASCIO has explored the role of the CIO, the emerging focus on the citizen experience and the fact that communications skills are more important for the CIO than technical knowledge. This publication brings a different perspective by delving deeper into the State CIO Top Ten  priority strategies, policy issues and management processes for 2020.

The publication, and accompanying webcast, may be found on NASCIO’s website:

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

GAO Report Affirms NASCIO Calls for Harmonizing Federal Cybersecurity Regulations

LEXINGTON, KY., Wednesday, May 27, 2020 — Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report, Selected Federal Agencies Need to Coordinate on Requirements and Assessments of States. The report recommendations affirm the National Association of State Chief Information Officer’s (NASCIO) top advocacy priority of harmonizing disparate federal cybersecurity regulations. The report was required in response to a 2018 request made by the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee along with the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight Intergovernmental Affairs Subcommittee who tasked the GAO to study the various federal cybersecurity regulations and issue corresponding recommendations. The report includes feedback from all fifty state chief information security officers.

The report includes twelve recommendations for selected federal agencies and the first two call for federal agencies to ensure that they are collaborating on cybersecurity requirements “to state agencies to the greatest extent possible” and that federal agencies should coordinate “on assessments of state agencies’ cybersecurity, which may include steps such as leveraging other agencies’ assessments or conducting assessments jointly.”

“NASCIO has long advocated for federal cybersecurity requirements to be harmonized and applauds the findings in the GAO report,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO’s Executive Director. “The hours and effort required by states to respond to several audits from different agencies with different security controls is burdensome, costly and negatively impacts states. We are hopeful that the federal agencies will heed the report’s recommendations and foster a much greater collaborative environment on these regulations.”

Notably, the report concludes by stating, “…we continue to believe that it is important for all of the agencies in our review to identify opportunities where requirements can be streamlined or made more consistent while still achieving each agency’s desired security outcomes because doing so may reduce potential burdens on state agencies, as discussed in this report.”

The report can be found on GAO’s website here:


Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Technology Champion Award Honors Indiana Department of Child Services CIO

Lexington, Ky, Monday, May 4, 2020 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has awarded Indiana Department of Child Services Chief Information Officer, Kevin Jones, with the association’s 2020 Technology Champion Award. Kevin’s nomination submission described him as the “epitome of CIO as problem solver with a personal leadership style grounded in empathy for the 25,000 children in his care and the 4,000 family case workers who support them.”

Indiana Child Welfare is currently undergoing massive transformation and Kevin is leading a holistic approach to change that focuses on people, process and tools. He is leveraging innovations like virtual reality training that simulates a home visit with a vulnerable family. This technology, steeping in immersive learning, is better preparing caseworkers for the field. It is also being used in hiring to determine whether a candidate is a good fit for child welfare. The agency has already seen an 18% reduction in turnover resulting in a cost savings to the state.

“Serving and protecting our most vulnerable populations is one of the most important things we do,” said Denis Goulet, Commissioner and CIO for the State of New Hampshire and NASCIO President. “I am proud to recognize Kevin for his tireless efforts in safeguarding the children of Indiana.”

NASCIO created the Technology Champion Award in 2003 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the field of information technology in the public sector. Recipients further NASCIO’s vision of a government in which the public is fully served through the efficient and effective use of technology policy.Learn more about the NASCIO Technology Champion award and prior recipients at

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Cancels Midyear Conference

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, March 17, 2020In accordance with the recent executive order by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and CDC guidance that all events over 50 people in the next eight weeks be cancelled, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) is cancelling its Midyear Conference. The conference was scheduled to be held May 3-5 in National Harbor, MD. The safety and health of our members is of the utmost importance to NASCIO and, although the cancellation is disappointing, it is absolutely necessary 

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Announces New Association VP and Director

LEXINGTON, KY., March 16, 2020 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) announced that Michael Hussey, Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the State of Utah, has been elected to serve as the association’s vice president. In accordance with NASCIO bylaws, when the vice president role is vacated it will be filled via election by the NASCIO Executive Committee. Denis Goulet, Commissioner and CIO for the State of New Hampshire, vacated the vice president position when he recently became NASCIO president.

Hussey was appointed CIO of Utah in 2015 after serving the state in other capacities since 1995. In 2013 Hussey received the Governor’s Award for Excellence for Outstanding Public Service after being nominated by then Lt. Governor Greg Bell. Hussey attended Brigham Young University and the University of Utah.

Nelson Moe, Chief Information Officer for the Commonwealth of Virginia, has also been appointed as a director to the association’s Executive Committee. Moe has been CIO of Virginia since 2015. Prior to his service with the Commonwealth, he served as CIO for the United States House of Representatives and was a nuclear submarine officer in the United States Navy.

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Announces Association President Transition

LEXINGTON, KY., February 24, 2020 — Today, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) announced that Denis Goulet, Commissioner and CIO for the State of New Hampshire, will now serve as the association’s president. Goulet succeeds J. Eric Boyette, Secretary and CIO for the State of North Carolina. Boyette was recently tapped by North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper to serve as Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

“I want to thank my colleague, Eric Boyette, for his service to NASCIO and his leadership as NASCIO president. I will do my best to serve the association at the same level of dedication,” said Goulet. “I look forward to leading the association and working with the tremendously dedicated state CIOs across the country.”

According to NASCIO’s bylaws, when the office of president is vacated, the vice president automatically becomes president. Additionally, in accordance with NASCIO bylaws, the vice president role vacated by Goulet will be filled by the NASCIO executive committee.

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers

NASCIO Champions Data Privacy Day 2020

LEXINGTON, Ky., January 28, 2020 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has again announced its support of Data Privacy Day ‒ an international effort held annually on January 28 to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust – by signing up as a Data Privacy Day 2020 Champion. As a Champion, NASCIO recognizes and supports the principle that all organizations share the esponsibility of being conscientious stewards of personal information. NASCIO has long been supportive of data privacy, most recently releasing .

NASCIO joins the growing global effort among nonprofits, academic institutions, corporations, government entities, municipalities and individuals to raise awareness at home, at work and school and in their communities. Through collaboration and unified, consistent messaging about privacy and protecting personal information, all Data Privacy Day Champions are working toward the common goal of improving individual and business consciousness toward respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust.

The official theme for the 2020 Data Privacy Day is “A Vision for the Future.” For more information about Data Privacy Day, which is officially led by the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), visit .

Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers