Limitations on Liability Infographic

NASCIO’s 2004 publication NASCIO on Unlimited Liability – Gaining Traction on the Road to “Win-Win” recommended changes to the state IT procurement policy regarding limitations on liability.  This infographic indicates, as of December 2015, which states have have limitations on liability in statute, which states have none, and which states are able to negotiate limitations on a case by case basis.



Recommendations for Improved State IT Procurement

The state information technology (IT) community has long called for improvements in IT procurement processes and practices and state chief information officers (CIOs) are consistently dissatisfied with the state IT procurement process. In the 2015 state CIO survey, The Value Equation, roughly one half (47%) of state CIOs expressed negative outlooks on IT procurement processes.Because of this consistent level of dissatisfaction, NASCIO is advocating for procurement reform by issuing a call to action to states.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2016

Each year NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.



Data: the Lifeblood of State Government

This report presents the case for investing in data management. It presents in simple terms WHY data and information must be properly managed. The report presents basic rationale for investing in the development of a formal data management program. This report is the first in a series of reports that will deal with WHY is data management important; HOW does state government get started; Legal aspects of data management.



The 2015 State CIO Survey: The Value Equation

NASCIO, Grant Thornton LLP and CompTIA have collaborated for a sixth consecutive year to survey state government IT leaders on current issues, trends and perspectives. The survey sponsors seek to provide these state government IT leaders with an opportunity to voice their thoughts and opinions on matters of high importance. Governors, legislatures and business leaders can benefit from these knowledgeable insights about essential state IT services. As highlighted in the survey results, the state IT and business landscape continues to change, reflecting both emerging approaches to delivering IT products and services, and also the faster paced, more complex environment faced by state CIOs. We asked state CIOs to share their perspective on a number of topics, with a particular focus on the emerging role of the CIO as a broker of shared services, and on the use of incremental software development approaches to accelerate the delivery of value to customers. These topics share a common theme – customer expectations continue to rise, and state CIOs must be agile enough to adapt to changing circumstances and to rapidly deliver business value. State CIOs also shared their thoughts on the leadership attributes they perceive as most valuable for a state CIO, and which dimensions of the role were most critical for success. Cybersecurity , cloud services, mobility, broadband and IT procurement represent other high priority topics covered in the survey report.




Interactive e-version


Downloadable Survey Charts

2015 CISO Toolkit

Moving Forward: Leadership Toolkit for State CISOs includes state CISO critical leadership traits, how state CISOs and private sector CISOs differ and the tenure of state CISOs. This publication examines survey responses, gives “advice from the trenches” and details other critical success factors for state CISOs.



NASCIO 2015 Cybersecurity Awareness Resource Guide

For the 2015 observance of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, NASCIO has updated its Resource Guide for State Cybersecurity Awareness, Education, and Training Initiatives. The guide includes new information from our state members, who provided examples of state awareness programs and initiatives. This is an additional resource of best-practice information, together with an interactive state map to allow users to drilldown to the actual resources that states have developed or are using to promote cyber awareness. It includes contact information for the CISO, hyperlinks to state security and security awareness pages, and information describing cybersecurity awareness, training, and education initiatives.

The Resource Guide is a work-in-progress that should provide a valuable reference resource for Cyber Security Awareness Month, as well as the ongoing planning of security awareness and training efforts state programs may undertake thereafter.



Accessibility in IT Procurement Part 2

Historically, state governments have struggled to address accessibility requirements as part of IT procurements. NASCIO has addressed this issue in a two part series on accessibility in procurement. Download the complete brief in an accessible PDF format here.


Accessibility in IT Procurement Part 1

Historically, state governments have struggled to address accessibility requirements as part of IT procurements. NASCIO will address this issue in a two part series on accessibility in procurement. This is the first such brief and part II will include states in practice and adoption information for states. Download the complete brief in an accessible PDF format here.

Is State IT Working on the Right Things?

What does it mean to be working on the right things? This determination is often difficult when considering the state as both an enterprise and a collective of individual agencies. Through interviews and formal surveys, NASCIO and Infosys Public Services gained insight from state IT leaders on the fundamental processes, mechanisms and criteria necessary to ensure that state IT is working on the right things. The resulting report will help state IT decision makers understand the key factors needed to identify the right things to do, see how they and their peer states stand against these factors and what can be done to bridge the gap.
