Agile IT Delivery: Imperatives for Government Success

What’s the secret to agile success in government? Accenture and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) surveyed and interviewed a number of state government leaders to find out. We asked them to describe their experiences with agile and then tell us where and to what extent they succeeded. Seven key factors emerged—all centered on people and their willingness to embrace this methodology and collaborate at every step. And it requires a clear plan of action.


The 2017 State CIO Survey

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), Grant Thornton LLP and CompTIA have collaborated for an eighth consecutive year to survey state government IT leaders on current issues, trends and perspectives. The survey sponsors seek to provide these state government IT leaders with an opportunity to voice their thoughts and opinions on matters of high importance. The role of the state CIO is being transformed by challenges to traditional business models, by emerging technologies that have the potential to redefine what we consider as “IT”, and by the drive to implement digital government. Governors, legislators and business leaders can benefit from these knowledgeable insights about essential state IT services.


8 Steps to Implementing a Successful Enterprise Data Management Program for State Governments Based on the DAMA-DMBOK

Provides a step by step approach for initiating the foundations for a successful Enterprise Data Management / Information Management (EDM / EIM) program in state governments based on the DAMA-Data Management Body of Knowledge framework.

Main learning objectives:
– Demonstrating value of using the vendor-neutral DAMA-DMBOK framework for Enterprise Data / Information Management (EDM / EIM)
– Practical approaches to EDM / EIM implementation within state government
– EIM / EDM assessment – the starting point
– Developing an EIM program scope and plan based on the DAMA-DMBOK framework
– Overcoming common challenges and obstacles to success based on actual state government EDM / EIM implementations

Click here for the full slide deck from the webinar.

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State IT Procurement Negotiations: Working Together to Reform and Transform

The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) have released a joint roadmap for state information technology (IT) procurement reform and process transformation. The report, a product of the NASPO-NASCIO Task Force on IT Procurement Negotiations, includes 18 joint recommendations for IT procurement improvement in relationship building, procurement processes, centralization and legislation & policy. The recommendations are accompanied by suggested implementation methods for the practical application of the joint task force’s guidance.


Unleash the New: State Governments Get Agile Initial Findings

Amid so much talk about Agile implementation methodologies, how many state governments are walking the walk? What are their main drivers and benefits of adopting Agile? And, what are some of the biggest barriers to making it work? Join this webinar to get answers to those questions and more—all based on the findings of a recent study by NASCIO and Accenture.

Click here for the full slide deck from the webinar.

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Why an EA Driven Approach is Crucial to Successful IT Procurement


John MacMillan, CIO, Pennsylvania explains how states can leverage EA for improved IT procurement and align with enterprise IT strategies, architecture and standards-based acquisition.

Enterprise Architecture (EA) is the blueprint for state information technology (IT), serves as the state’s IT vision and drives every enterprise-level decision. EA-driven procurement provides:

  • A framework and governance for establishing standards for IT
  • Delivers IT services more effectively through streamlined investments
  • Reduces silos in state government
  • Decreases costs through standardization
  • Assists service providers in framing projects and delivering solutions that are consistent with the state government enterprise direction
  • Streamlines negotiations and contract management

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Digital Transformation in Government: The Illinois Blockchain Initiative


During this session with NASCIO, a team from Illinois will share their Blockchain experiences and best practices to date including regulatory, industry, technology maturity and potential public sector usage of this emerging technology. They will also drill down on progress to date as the state has embarked upon a series of 5 proof of concept use cases for Blockchain.
The Illinois Blockchain Initiative (IBI) was launched earlier this year. The goal of the initiative is to determine if this groundbreaking technology can be leveraged to create more efficient, integrated and trusted state services, while providing a welcoming environment for the Blockchain community.

Blockchain and distributed ledger technology has the potential to transform the delivery of public and private services, redefine the relationship between government and the citizen in terms of data sharing, transparency and trust, and make a leading contribution to the State’s digital transformation.

Click here for the full slide deck.

Click here for the full Q&A.

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Blockchains: Moving Digital Government Forward in the States

This brief will open the discussion about blockchains and the potential impact on state government.  We won’t delve into the mechanics of blockchains, nor the potential for proliferation of new “e-currencies.”  We want to open the door to the world of blockchains through a variety of conversations with leaders in state government and industry in order to begin discussions regarding where blockchain technology can serve the mission of state government.





Unleash the New: State Governments Get Agile

Agile is changing the game for state governments. To explore the implications and opportunities, Accenture and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) are partnering on multifaceted research. Drawing from the public and private sectors, the research reveals a comprehensive perspective on the role of Agile within state government.

Findings of the first phase of research shed light on why state governments are using agile. Where and how they’re applying it within their enterprises – and the barriers to agile that they’re working to overcome. These initial findings were released and discussed at the 2017 NASCIO Midyear Conference.

Click here to download the slides (PDF)

In the next phase, Accenture and NASCIO will conduct a series of interviews aimed at identifying best practices and lessons learned around agile implementation.

Stay in touch: Full research results will be available at NASCIO’s Annual Conference, October 1-4, 2017 in Austin, Texas. 

Better Data Security Through Classification: A Game Plan for Smart Cybersecurity Investments

The brief, a joint project between NASCIO’s Cybersecurity Committee and Data Protection Working Group, explains why a risk based cybersecurity approach is the most beneficial to state government data. When states take a risk based approach they improve operational efficiency, assessments are more accurate, attack surfaces are reduced and decision making is improved. As the brief states, taking an enterprise mentality brings together previously silo-based security and IT tools and allows for ongoing and continuous data monitoring and assessing.
