Advancing Digital Government: Better Decision-Making Through Data Sharing Agreements

This report describes the purpose and the principles for creating data sharing agreements as well as enterprise wide memorandum of understanding (MOU).  The intent is to avoid surprises and ensure everyone involved knows the parameters for sharing certain types of information.  When possible, enterprise MOUs should be in place that encourage information sharing.  The ultimate outcome is better informed decisions so state government is reaching the outcomes it is seeking for its citizens.


State of Washington: Privacy Modeling Demo

Government is using more data than ever in rendering services to citizens, yet government has few tools to enforce privacy rules or considerations and can’t simply hire enough to meet the demand for expertise. After consulting with academic and legal experts form the privacy community in Seattle, the state’s Chief Privacy Officer, Alex Alben, retained a software firm to create a web application which  returns relevant search requests based on the intended use of personal information in a product or service.

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Data Management Maturity: Achieving Best Practices

The Data Management Maturity (DMM) model is a framework for the evaluation and assessment of an organization’s data management capabilities. The model allows an organization to evaluate its current state data management capabilities, discover gaps to remediate, and strengths to leverage. The assessment method reveals priorities, business needs, and a clear, rapid path for process improvements. This webinar will describe the DMM, its evolution, and illustrate its use as a roadmap guiding organizational data management improvements.


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Data Strategy: Essential for State Governments

All state governments need a guided approach to managing their data and information to obtain the maximum value for success in a challenging environment.  An Enterprise Data/Information Management (EDM/EIM) initiative provides the framework for a state to deliver real information knowledge and provide true value to their citizens.  This session provides the framework of the domain known as enterprise data / information management, explains its essential components, gives the reasons that state governments should create a sustained data management program, and demonstrates some benefits that successful state EDM/EIM programs have achieved.

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Managing Change: How the Indiana County/State Data Sharing Initiative Mapped Its Way to Success

All 92 Indiana counties have voluntarily provided key geospatial data with the Indiana Geographic Information Office. One hundred percent cooperation was not easy and it took several years to accomplish. This presentation focuses on the drivers that encouraged the effort and the resistors that hampered success and how managing both sides of the change equation worked in Indiana.


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NASCIO and NASPO Topical Roundtable

In continuing their shared interests in working together to improve IT procurement, NASPO and NASCIO have developed an action plan for navigating the ever-changing terrain shaping state procurement efforts and information technology updates. The action plan addresses several key areas of state government common to both specialties, including governance and organizational structure; teaming and roles; interactions and processes; and budgeting and forecasting.





Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration: Lessons from Current Practice & Upcoming Priorities

For the past decade and more, shared services in government have focused on standardizing and consolidating digital networks, data, and applications. This work is shifting control over operations upward from the program or agency level to the agency-wide or jurisdiction-wide level. Progress has often been contentious and difficult, but is now picking up speed. As digital opportunities continue to expand, new cloud-based collaboration will be required across jurisdictional boundaries. Local governments will need to partner with other local governments, state governments with other state governments, and state and local governments with each other and the federal government as well as with private sector providers. This webinar will explore such opportunities, primarily through case studies from Michigan and Ohio. By the end of the session we would like all participants to have a clearer sense of what kinds of cross-boundary collaboration are now under way, what approaches need more attention, and how to get started in the upcoming post-election period.


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State Governments at Risk: Turning Strategy and Awareness into Progress

The 2016 Cybersecurity Survey; ‘State Governments at Risk: Turning Strategy and Awareness into Progress’, reports findings and analysis of a comprehensive survey of State Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) conducted by NASCIO in partnership with Deloitte. The results of the 2016 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study highlights the fact that challenges still exist, but cybersecurity is becoming part of the fabric of government operations.


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State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2017

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.





State Cybersecurity Resource Guide

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) supports National Cybersecurity
Awareness Month, now in its 13th year. State CIOs and the programs they administer have supported
cybersecurity awareness month from its inception, and states address IT security and privacy awareness,
education, and training on a year-round basis.

For the 2016 observance, NASCIO has updated its Resource Guide for State Cybersecurity Awareness, Education, and Training Initiatives. This guide includes:

  • Updated information on state awareness programs, initiatives and best-practice information;
  • Contact information for state chief information security officers (CISOs);
  • Hyperlinks to state security and security awareness pages; and
  • Information describing cybersecurity awareness, training, and education initiatives.

The Resource Guide is a working document that should prove a valuable resource for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, as well as the ongoing planning of security awareness and training efforts state programs may undertake thereafter.

