2016 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study – State Governments at Risk: Turning Strategy and Awareness into Progress

This study reports findings and analysis of a comprehensive survey of State Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) conducted by NASCIO in partnership with Deloitte. The results of the 2016 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study highlights the fact that challenges still exist, but cybersecurity is becoming part of the fabric of government operations.

The following key themes emerged from our analysis:

  • Governor-level awareness is on the rise. The survey results indicate that governors and other state officials are receiving more frequent updates from CIOs/CISOs. Despite an increase of reporting, a confidence gap still exists between IT and the business, emphasizing the need for better communication of cyber risks.
  • Cybersecurity is becoming part of the fabric of government operations. The state government CISO role has become more consistent in terms of functions and responsibilities. Top three cybersecurity initiatives in 2016 include training and awareness, monitoring/security operations centers (SOC), and strategy.
  • A formal strategy and better communications lead to greater command of resources. States taking a proactive approach to strategy setting and communication are more likely to see improvements in funding and access to talent. Survey shows 16 out of 33 states with an approved strategy reported they had an increase in budget.
  • There is a need to rethink talent strategies. The nature of what states have to offer workers has changed. States are pointing to job stability and the opportunity to “give back and make an impact” as compelling reasons to gravitate towards state employment. These—along with a rich training and development program – are becoming the basis for a campaign to recruit millennial talent.



The 2016 State CIO Survey: The Adaptable State CIO

NASCIO, Grant Thornton LLP and CompTIA have collaborated for a seventh consecutive year to survey state government IT leaders on current issues, trends and perspectives. New service delivery models, innovative technology solutions, and rising customer expectations all require state CIOs to adapt continually to changing circumstances. We asked state CIOs to share their perspective on a number of topics, with a particular focus on the continued evolution of the CIO as a broker of shared services, on the IT workforce challenges facing CIOs, and on the use of data management and analytics at an enterprise level. These topics all involve CIOs looking into the future and adapting their strategies and plans to address a state IT and business environment that is becoming ever more complex. Cybersecurity, cloud solutions, mobility, procurement, cross-jurisdictional collaboration and privacy represent other high priority topics covered in the survey.





Leadership Lessons Learned: Complete Commitment

Tom Baden, CIO, Minnesota presents Complete Commitment: Lessons Learned Through a Life Filled with Music, Martial Arts, Technology and Great Friends  from the Leadership Lessons Learned…Outside the Office session at the NASCIO 2016 Annual Conference in Orlando, FL.

Good advice disguised as an entertaining story. Speakers present Ignite-style talks on leadership lessons learned outside the office (e.g. through a hobby, travel experience or volunteer role).


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Better Decisions, Better Government: Effective Data Management Through a Coordinated Approach

This report describes the basics of how to get started with a data management discipline. It maintains a simple approach to gaining support including governance, bringing together the right stakeholders, and establishing a compelling business case. This report is the second in a series of reports that deals with WHY is data management important; HOW does state government get started.



Value and Vulnerability: The Internet of Things in a Connected State Government

States are finding that the “Internet of Things” (IoT) can improve efficiency, reduce waste and connect citizens to state services in faster and more affordable ways. But with that value comes vulnerability. States must consider security, privacy, accessibility and standardization when crafting a roadmap for IoT. This policy brief describes ways that states are currently implementing IoT, possibilities for the coming years, and recommendations on avoiding difficulties along the way.



Top Ten Talks: Human Resources/Talent Management

Top Ten Talks session at the NASCIO 2016 Midyear Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Speaker has just 5 minutes to deliver a focused talk on one of the CIO Top Ten Priorities.


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Top Ten Talks: Agile and Incremental Software Delivery

Top Ten Talks session for the NASCIO 2016 Midyear Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Speaker has just 5 minutes to deliver a focused talk on one of the CIO Top Ten Priorities.

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Top Ten Talks: Consolidation/Optimization

Top Ten Talks session at the NASCIO 2016 Midyear Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Speaker has just 5 minutes to deliver a focused talk on one of the CIO Top Ten Priorities.


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Top Ten Talks: Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

Top Ten Talks session at the NASCIO 2016 Midyear Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Speaker has just 5 minutes to deliver a focused talk on one of the CIO Top Ten Priorities.


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Top Ten Talks: Enterprise Vision and Roadmap for IT

Top Ten Talks session at the NASCIO 2016 Midyear Conference in Baltimore, MD.

Speaker has just 5 minutes to deliver a focused talk on one of the CIO Top Ten Priorities.


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