Service Oriented Architecture: An Enabler of the Agile Enterprise

This brief identifies what state CIOs need to know now regarding Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), including its business value, the vision for SOA, SOA governance, SOA as a program and SOA security.



The IT Security Business Case: Sustainable Funding to Manage the Risks

This brief takes a holistic approach to constructing the case for enterprise IT security investment by outlining for the state CIOs the following steps: 

  • Understanding state government’s IT environment that drives the need for security 
  • Starting with an enterprise-wide IT risk assessment 
  • Making the case for IT security through demonstrating the risks (bolstered by the IT risk assessment results), the benefits of security, and how security aligns with the state’s business needs.


Survey on IT Consolidation and Shared Services in the States: A National Assessment

NASCIO is pleased to announce the release of its survey summary publication, NASCIO’s Survey on IT Consolidation and Shared Services in the States: A National Assessment. A product of NASCIO’s 2005 IT Governance & Service Reform Committee, this survey summary provides an overview of the challenges states’ indicated they are facing in considering and implementing enterprise IT consolidation and shared services initiatives.



IT Consolidation and Shared Services: States Seeking Economies of Scale

IT Consolidation and Shared Services: States Seeking Economies of Scale



A National Framework for Collaborative Information Exchange: What is NIEM?

The NIEM initiative is in its beginning stages but is already anticipated to be a major breakthrough initiative, which will have a tremendous impact on how government interoperates with the intention of making possible the communication among government lines of business at all levels of government.

This brief both summarizes the intention of this national initiative and provides guidance on participation in this effort.



The (IT) Doctor is In: The Role of the State CIO in Health IT

The brief is intended to help state CIOs—along with other stakeholders and policymakers—determine the appropriate role of the state CIO in guiding their states’ enterprise IT in keeping with the larger national effort to save lives and money in healthcare.


Findings from NASCIO’s Cybersecurity Survey

Findings from NASCIO’s Cybersecurity Survey



Discipline Succeeds: Findings from the NASCIO State IT PM Assessment

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) surveyed state IT project managers concerning their approaches to IT project management in August-September of 2005. The trends discovered in responses from 34 state project management offices reveal a baseline regarding perceived success of project management as an overarching discipline in state government.



We Need to Talk: Governance Models to Advance Communications Interoperability

This research brief provides an overview of the challenges states face in developing communications interoperability initiatives and also attempts to answer questions such as, “What needs to be addressed when contemplating a communications interoperability initiative; and what is being done at the state and federal levels to develop communications interoperability governance models?” It includes other factors that are impacting governance in interoperability and offers references to models that have been successfully completed by other states.



IT Procurement and Enterprise Architecture: Recognizing the Mutual Benefits

This brief highlights the benefits of a closer alignment between IT Procurement and Enterprise Architecture (EA), which includes improving and streamlining IT investment decisions in a way that supports the state’s overall strategic goals and intent. It also identifies “touchpoints” at which these two disciplines can establish stronger ties and concludes with recommendations on how states can start down the path to greater EA-IT Procurement alignment.

